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All instruction is done Tuesday-Saturday by appointment only, and only one person per time slot is allowed. Please call us at
520-290-3738 to set up an appointment.


Thank you for your interest in knitting/crochet instruction at Grandma’s.
You have taken the first step to enjoying a fun, relaxing and rewarding hobby!
We have 2 instructors available, as follows:
Shanna is available to teach knit, crochet or Tunisian crochet on Tues/Wed/Thurs. 
Mary is available Fridays and Saturdays to teach knitting and drop spindle; and other days by appointment. 
There are also “regulars” who are frequently available to answer basic questions when needed.

Instruction is by appointment only and teachers work with only one student at a time.

Instruction costs $30.00 per 1 hour, or part thereof.

Our employees are “off the clock” when teaching, and your payment goes directly to them.
Please be prepared to pay them by cash, check, Venmo or Zelle at the time of your lesson.
We cannot accept credit cards for instruction.
We are only able to offer instruction at these prices if you purchase your supplies:
yarn, needles or hooks from Grandma’s Spinning Wheel.

Mending and Repair
We offer knit and crochet mending services.  Since each job is different, call for an appointment with one of our associates for a quote.

Class Calendar

Cochineal "Next Step" workshop

Cochineal, an insect found on the Prickly Pear cactus produces a natural brilliant red/purple dye that has been used for thousands of years. In this advanced workshop we will learn how to produce a wider range of colors and promote reproducible variegation in wool yarn.

Feb 27
3-D wet felting a bowl
Mar 1
Beginning Spinning
Mar 5
Charity Knitting

  • 6544 E Tanque Verde Rd. Tucson, AZ 85715
  • Ph: (520) 290-3738
  • Tues 10am - 4pm
  • Weds 10am - 8pm
  • Thurs-Saturday 10am - 4pm
  • Sunday & Monday- Closed