3-D Needle Felted Sculpture
“3-D Needle Felting” refers to creating a 3-D sculptured figure using felting needles and wool.
This beginner class will provide you with the foundational knowledge of how to create an object of your choice. Ranging from creating a felted Christmas tree ornament using a dryer ball as a base to a felted pumpkin to a small animal this class will open the endless possibilities of needle felting to you!
Needle felting consists of using a barbed felting needle to tangle and bind animal fibers (wool) together to create a sculpture. On a microscopic level, wool fibers have a scaled structure that causes them to create a stiff fabric when agitated. Needle felting can combined with wet felting to create beautiful and fantastical creatures and garments, or used to patch old woolen articles of clothing.
This beginner class will provide you with the foundational knowledge of how to create an object of your choice. Ranging from creating a felted Christmas tree ornament using a dryer ball as a base to a felted pumpkin to a small animal this class will open the endless possibilities of needle felting to you!
Needle felting consists of using a barbed felting needle to tangle and bind animal fibers (wool) together to create a sculpture. On a microscopic level, wool fibers have a scaled structure that causes them to create a stiff fabric when agitated. Needle felting can combined with wet felting to create beautiful and fantastical creatures and garments, or used to patch old woolen articles of clothing.